Mathpix for Institutions
Mathpix institution-wide or group Pro subscriptions are available for universities, schools, departments, and companies. Streamlined registration using your institution’s email address makes it easy to get Snip to everyone who needs it.
Tools for educators and students
Mathpix Snipping Tool
Time-saving desktop app that allows you to copy a math equation from your screen to your clipboard with a single keyboard shortcut. Spend less time on tedious manual retyping and more time focusing on your work. (Mac, Windows, & Linux Desktop)
Snip Apps
Invaluable resource for students looking to streamline the collaborative process. Digitize PDFs and handwritten documents, collaborate on shared projects, export files to LaTeX and DOCX, or publish to the web. (Web, iOS, iPad, Android)
What do you get with an institutional license?
Pro Plan for every user who signs up with your institutional email (you set the total number of users). Includes 5,000 Snips and 500 PDF pages per user per month.
Unlimited collaboration on scientific documents for educators and students. Access to our accessible publishing platform and document conversion features for all users.
Access to templates, resources, and tutorials, including branded on-boarding and support calls with our team. Custom templates and training videos are available upon request.
Request Mathpix for your Institution
1. Fill out this request for service form. If you are not the person buying the license, please share this form with the appropriate person/group at your institution.
2. As soon as the request is completed by a representative from your institution, we will review the request and follow up with additional information about licenses.
3. If you have friends and colleagues who would also like to see Mathpix at their institution, please forward this request to them so they can do the same.
Used by top institutions around the world.
Benefits for the whole school
Time saver
Professors, teachers, and students save time when preparing STEM documents.
Make all documents accessible and screen reader friendly by default.
Sharing and collaboration while writing worksheets, homework, lecture notes, papers and more.
Resources and guides
Mathpix Snip Apps Docs
Digitize math and science with our AI-powered note taking apps. Available on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and Web.
Go to DocsMathpix Markdown Docs
Our flavor of Markdown that supports extended LaTeX features optimized for scientists and engineers.
Go to Docs